Skillset Winter 2020 Survival Tips

(Nashville, Tenn.)

Who’s going to jail this weekend? If the answer is you, Skillset magazine has you covered! Learn tips and tricks to survive your first night in the gray-bar hotel—otherwise known as the clink, slammer, big house, etc.—or ways to conceal booze at your nephew’s T-ball game! The Winter 2019 issue is for the alpha who’s unapologetically American. We cover everything from aerial firefights to the Yakuza, from espionage to beef jerky recipes and masterful ways to dump your psycho girlfriend before she kills you.

Our cover feature spotlights the mob’s most notorious hitmen of the ‘70s and ‘80s. The stories are gritty and won’t disappoint. Ready to beat down a bully? Yes, we’ve also got an article on that! How about a history lesson on teenage saboteurs of World War II? We’ve got that, too. Start winter off right with 116 pages of motivation. It’s time you discovered your new go-to source for living like an alpha.

This issue is available now on newsstands, or you can subscribe anytime by visiting

Make sure you also check out the “Skillset LIVE” podcast series. This weekly podcast with Jason Swarr and Ben Tirpak hosts celebrities, athletes, industry leaders, and military and law enforcement heroes who share their stories and opinions of our current social climate in America. Also available is the weekly “Center Mass” podcast. Hosted by Fred Mastison, it’s a professional’s look into guns and the firearms industry from an insider. Both podcasts are available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio and Google Play as well as at

Connect with Skillset on Instagram @skillsetmag or on Facebook @skillsetmag

Athlon Outdoors is the premier content source for the shooting lifestyle, personal defense, tactical and survival audiences. You can find them on Instagram at @AthlonOutdoors. You can also experience Athlon Outdoors content at any of its websites:


Carrie Roeder, Senior Director, Marketing and Operations
