USAYESS Names New President


Colville, WA - USA Youth Education in Shooting Sports (USAYESS) announced today that Brian Beard, of Utah, has accepted the position of President of the organization.

The USAYESS Board of Directors has extensively discussed the position that was unexpectedly and regretfully vacated by the passing of our dear friend, President, and Co-Founder, Michael Borg. As a result, the USAYESS Board voted to appoint Brian Beard as president. Mike had a great working relationship with Brian Beard, UTYESS State Director, USAYESS Western Regional Director, and the USAYESS Webtools Director. Brian has also been helping with the iYESS/ACUI Clay Targets Program Virtual Leagues, the Western Regional Tournaments, iClays, national registrations, MidwayUSA Foundation team accounts, helping teams get started and other items in which Mike would often call on Brian’s help.

"Mike has always had a passion for shooting sports, but what he loved most was seeing kids enjoy the sport as much as he did," said Talia Darby, Board Member, USAYESS. "With that, USAYESS is continuing to provide an environment for kids to learn and have fun doing so. We look forward to making many more memories with you all. As Mike would say 'just go out and have some fun!'”

“Mike was a giant in youth shooting sports and leaves behind a great legacy,” said Beard. “I am honored and excited for the opportunity to ensure that this amazing program that Mike co-founded is able to continue moving forward. There are thousands of kids nationwide that are depending on us to ensure that USAYESS continues to offer the youth shooting training and opportunities that our program provides.”

As UTYESS State Director, Beard has made great progress in furthering youth shooting sports. Beard has been President of Utah Youth Education in Shooting Sports (UTYESS) since 2017. The year he was elected UTYESS president, Utah had just 51 athletes participating. Today that is the size of one of 15 teams Utah has statewide. This year Utah hopes to see over 300 student athletes participating in UTYESS events.

Further operational and operating changes are expected to be announced in the coming weeks.

About USA Youth Education in Shooting Sports

USAYESS is a non-profit organization and the nation's only all-inclusive youth program which introduces, grows, supports, and educates youth, and their families to firearm safety, shooting sports and wildlife conservation and habitat. For more information, visit
